Response to CISA Request for Information on Secure by Design AI Software
The Future of Life Institute (FLI) has a long-standing tradition of thought leadership on AI governance toward mitigating the risks and maximizing the benefits of AI. As part of this effort, we have undertaken research and policy work at the intersection of AI, cybersecurity and secure software design.
The principles outlined in CISA’s Secure by Design white paper offer a tractable foundation for ensuring the security of traditional software systems. However, as the RfI suggests, there are security considerations unique to AI that are not covered by, or necessitate reinterpretation of, these principles. Focusing on AI as software, we advocate for four core principles (Protect, Prevent, Strengthen, and Standardize) for actions taken by CISA when ensuring adherence by developers to secure by design principles. We also offer four key recommendations for achieving these principles.